Is This You

Do any of these scenarios seem familiar to you?

  • You excel at work and seen as a leader but you are struggling with a break up. You can’t stop analyzing what you could have done to prevent the relationship from collapsing…
  • Things are going well in your life. Suddenly a beloved family member is now ill and you are completely overwhelmed about what to do and how to help in a situation that complex family dynamics…
  • Your new manager expressed that you do not communicate. It’s frustrating to go from being seen as a competent professional to feeling like you’re falling behind…

If so, my approach would work especially well for you because the program was created for these kinds of situations. 

The people we serve also share these values: 

  • Open minded to possibilities 
  • Like to learn in different and playful ways 
  • Curious whether life is more than meets the eye 

Does that sound like you?

If so, then I feel confident that I can help you connect with your inner compass to live a thriving life externally and internally. 

Let’s get started! Get to know by joining my email list and see what’s here. Scroll down to sign up. 

If you are ready to go deeper with connecting with self fullness then email to say hello and we can set up an introduction call to understand what you need. 

Want to learn more? You can read more about how our offerings work and the principles behind the work here

Coach Nancy Li

Follow paññā panya!