Are any of these scenarios familiar?
- You’re in a new role but you don’t feel like you deserve it even though you’re more than qualified.
- You are working with other managers or leaders and it is so frustrating! Their way of getting things done differs greatly from yours. Some days it seems like you’re in a turf war instead of being on the same team.
- You see the potential impact of your work, yet it is draining. You would jump if the right opportunity arose elsewhere but a part of you wants to materialize your vision.
I became a coach for these situations.
The people I help:
- Recently got promoted or stepped into a bigger leadership role
- Are open to connecting to their authenticity in a multitude of ways
- Are willing to explore the smallest steps to bring more effectiveness and connection into their work
- Want to hold onto their integrity as they deal with conflict and difficult people
I don’t work with people who want:
- A personality or leadership style diagnosis/evaluation
- A quick fix or 5-step program to being an effective leader
Does that sound like you?
If so, I invite you to get to know my perspectives and my work as an authenticity coach by subscribing to my biweekly newsletter.
Or if you are ready to explore working with me then email to say hi and set up a discovery call.
Want to learn more? You can read more about my work and the principles behind the work here.
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