Is This You

Are any of these scenarios familiar?

  • You are a leader who is tasked with collaborative efforts that are fundamental to your offerings. However efforts are stalled and you are feeling frustrated and  exhausted. 
  • You know your values and visions but you are in a workplace that has a tense or toxic culture. You waver between inspiring and driving the team, not knowing what to do. 
  • You are a new manager or leader working on internal or external projects in tense situations. You don’t know how to navigate between your stakeholders and the actual project itself. 

I help leaders and managers who want to: 

  • Be more resilient in conflict so that they don’t walk away from an encounter completely hijacked 
  • Engage more constructively in conflict or difficult situations 
  • Push projects forward to get to the outcomes or goals
  • Create pathways for other people to contribute and engage with the projects in a different way 

I don’t work with people who want: 

  • A personality or leadership style diagnosis/evaluation 
  • A quick fix or 5-step program to being an effective leader

Connect with me to learn more:

I invite you to get to know my perspectives and work on conflict by subscribing to my newsletter. 

Or if you are ready to explore working with me then email to say hi and set up a discovery call. 

Want to learn more? You can read more about my work and the principles behind the work here

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