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Exploring and expressing your authenticity is a journey and I invite you to take the first step by subscribing to my newsletter. Here’s what one person told me:

I’ve always yearned for more authenticity. Some symptoms of a lack of authenticity were failing to set boundaries and engaging in destructive and/or manipulative behavior as a way to cope.    

After working with you [Nancy] I realized that I was automatically overriding my natural and immediate emotional responses to uncomfortable situations with ego or mentally driven solutions. When going through with these solutions, I was inadvertently mutating and amplifying the uncomfortable situations.

The biggest results [in working with Nancy] I found were feeling more supportive of myself and more confident with my decisions, as well as more patience with others.

Kenny S.
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Sign up today to get my perspectives and work on authenticity. You will also receive a gift when you sign up: an article series about authentic high achievers – what makes them tick, what drives them, and what makes them effective.

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Coach Nancy Li

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