Your Story : Love workshop at VIIXVII


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Your Story: Love

A Workshop to Create the Book Cover of the Love Story Inside of You

Who: anyone who want to explore 8 different types of love and create the book cover of the love stories inside of them

What: a 1.5 hour workshop that includes:

  • Exercises to explore and connect with 8 different types of love
  • Opportunity for your stories of love to be seen and heard without any editing, advice giving, or commiserating 
  • The start of creating your own book of love: a book blurb, physical book with a cover that you designed and decorated  
  • Coffee, tea, and light snacks

When: Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, 11-12:30 pm

Where: VIIXVII at 227 E Girard Ave, Philadelphia PA 191257

Cost: $60, with no refund. If you have an emergency and need to cancel then you can transfer your registration to another person.

Host: Nancy Li is a coach, teaching artist, trainer, and facilitator. As the workshop Story Coach, I will hold space for your writing and exploration without judgment, advice giving, or shame. I will guide the group through exercises, sharing, and togetherness to uncover the story inside each of us. We will bring your story to life by creating a real physical book. 

Whenever I shared that I wrote and published the “Let’s Make A Cake!” picture book, many people told me that they want to write a book… but they don’t. 

I later realized that they were stuck, deeply stuck. Or else why would they get in the way of their own desires?

I want to help people be unstuck, find their story and voice, and start making their book real. 


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